The young woman was the protagonist of the latest edition of ‘Extremely Unpleasant’ by Joana Marques.
Joana Marques presented this Thursday, in the ‘Extremely Unpleasant’, Rádio Renascença, the TikToker Alice Santos to the Portuguese who do not consume content on social networks.
The young Portuguese dominated this same digital platform in recent weeks due to some controversial advice that decided to give about depression. A cybernaut wanted to know Alice’s opinion on antidepressants and anxiolytics and the answer ended up going viral.
“I don’t think there’s anything better than exercising, having good nutrition and getting sun. That’s the best antidepressant anyone can take,” the young woman said, later explaining that, in her opinion, “it shouldn’t even be allowed to recommend antidepressants”.
The influencer believes that these drugs “do worse” in situations of depression and that the focus should be on “nutrition”, which she says is “probably the number one reason why people have depression”.
The comment box for this video promptly received messages in an ironic tone: “Got asthma? Breathe”; “Are you unwell? Eat a spinach”; and “Are you having anxiety attacks? Do sit-ups” are just a few examples.
Alice, when realising the dimension that her statements had taken, decided to deactivate her account on TikTok, but a few days later she resumed posting videos on this social network and reinforced, on several other occasions, her opinion on this issue.
“I thought that if I talked about these topics, if I started sharing more things about my lifestyle – which isn’t normal here in Portugal – that there would definitely be some uproar, but I never thought it would be like that,” the content creator began by telling in an interview with youtuber Bruno Dias Mestre.
“I didn’t even know what was going on (…) The other people were watching my videos and came up to me asking if I was okay”, reported further, explaining that only realized that the controversy was installed some time later.
On TikTok, Alice Santos already has over 73,500 followers, while on Instagram she adds over 24,000.
Listen below the episode of ‘Extremely Disgraceful’ where is made a parody of the statements of Alice Santos.

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